Thursday, September 18, 2008

What You Need to Think About Before Liposuction

(Before After Liposuction)

If you want the best results from your liposuction you should take the time to locate the best Manhattan liposuction doctor. Accepting a second rate cosmetic surgeon could lead to less than stellar results and that's hardly what you want when your looks are concerned.

Liposuction involves the removal of fat from your body through surgical means. As surgery it requires anesthesia and can have complications. Manhattan has many qualified cosmetic surgeons that perform liposuction. You should do your homework before engaging any cosmetic surgeon to make sure he or she is qualified and experienced in liposuction fat removal.

Choosing the top Manhattan cosmetic surgeons is your best bet to get great results that you'll be happy with. A highly experienced liposuction surgeon is even able to remove greater amounts of fat in one surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon will be able to explain to you how much fat is safe to remove and the possible dangers and side effects from liposuction.

Possible liposuction side effects that are serious include permanent loss of sensation in the area the liposuction is performed, skin discolorations, risk of infection and possible body malformations.
Cosmetic surgeons can perform liposuction on many different body parts including the face, neck, back, arms, chest, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, breasts and calves. Each area has different risks, costs and recovery issues associated.

Your medical history and overall health also play a part in deciding if liposuction is the right choice for you. Your plastic surgeon should ask questions to determine if liposuction is a fit for you. And keep in mind that liposuction is intended to shape your body, it is not a way to remove significant amounts of fat or lose large amounts of weight.

Even after your liposuction you should try to exercise and control your weight through diet. The reason is that any large weight changes can negatively impact your liposuction and can create problems with your skins elasticity leading to additional surgeries. Plus it's just more healthy to maintain a good body weight for your height and size.

Keeping all of the above in mind, your first critical task is to locate the right Manhattan liposuction surgeon for you. You should feel comfortable with your surgeon and they should be able to explain all of the procedure, complications and recovery methods fully. Your surgeon is critical to getting the best possible results from your liposuction.

Go to the author's website to learn more about Manhattan liposuction. You can also get detailed information about the top Manhattan cosmetic surgeons.

Article Source:

Before After Liposuction

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