Wednesday, September 24, 2008

After Liposuction - What to Expect

(Before After Liposuction)

Liposuction is the most common cosmetic procedure performed. While it is not intended as a weight loss substitute, or as a procedure for people who are obese, it is a great way to sculpt your body and remove fat deposits from specific areas of your body.

The benefits are clear -- it's the only way to remove fat from specific parts of your body. So, for many people, it is easy to understand why to do it. Have some unwanted belly fat? Get rid of it with liposuction! You may never be able to get rid of specific fatty deposits by exercise or diet. While the benefits of liposuction are clear, people also need to consider what happens after liposuction. There can be complications, and liposuction recovery can be difficult at times. Its better to understand liposuction recover before liposuction starts, so you can prepare and plan for your recovery.

Depending upon the amount of fatty tissue removed and where you have the surgery performed (e.g., as an out patient at a local doctor's office, at a hospital, etc.) you may leave the doctor's office soon after the surgery or you may spend the night in the surgical center or hospital. Ask your doctor how long it will be before you should be able to return to your normal level of activity or if you will need to miss work after liposuction.

Liposuction is a surgery. Your body will be cut in one or more areas to make room for the "canula" to be inserted. The scar where the canula was inserted may leak or drain fluids for several days after surgery. In some cases, the doctor may insert a drainage tube to drain fluid away from the wound.

The doctor will dress the scar area with tight bandages to compress your skin. You will be given close instructions on how long you need to keep the bandages on after liposuction procedure is over. In some situations, you may even need to purchase the special bandages prior to surgery. Again, listen carefully to your doctor's instructions prior to arriving for your liposuction procedure.

Listen carefully to the after liposuction procedure instructions. Following the liposuction recovery instructions is very important to ensure your scar heals properly and without infection. For example, your doctor will give you specific instructions after liposuction surgery regarding how long to wear the bandages, whether an antibiotic should be taken (and how often), and the level of activity that you can safely engage in after liposuction. Most doctors will also provide you with a list of activities you can and cannot engage in after liposuction. Further, you should be given written instructions about certain signs that may indicate an infection or other problem. Follow these instructions carefully!

When the anesthesia wears off, you may have some pain. If the pain is extreme or persists for a long period, make sure to contact your doctor. Don't try to be a martyr. Excess or unreasonable pain can be a sign of a problem -- listen to your body! You will also have some swelling after the surgery. In some cases, this swelling will remain for weeks or even months. If you have pain and swelling, this may be the sign of infection and you should contact your physician.

You will have scars, usually small, where the physician cuts your skin and inserts the canula to remove fat tissue. Hopefully, after the swelling goes down, and the bandages are taken off, your new and shaped body will be terrific!

Kurt Lehman writes about liposuction cost, life after liposuction and the amazing Flat Belly Diet.

Article Source:

Before After Liposuction

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