Sunday, December 21, 2008

What Happens During Liposuction Recovery?

Altogether too often, people do things in life without thinking of the consequences. In this day and age, plastic surgery tends to fall into that leap before you bother looking category. This is especially true of "simple" procedures such as liposuction. Liposuction has become so common that people new to the process think of it in the same vein as they think about having their hair done. However, with this kind of body alteration, people really need to take the time to find out what happens during liposuction recovery.

Immediately Afterwards

The initial feeling after liposuction is often determined by the anesthesia used. With local anesthesia patients are able to leave as little as thirty minutes after the procedure; general anesthesia requires patients stay longer to ensure they haven't suffered any ill effects and are stabilized. Generally speaking though, after liposuction, patients can be up and about immediately.

The First Three Days

For the first several days after a liposuction procedure, the patient is advised to wear a compression garment. How tight this garment is will depend greatly on the surgeon, and how comfortable it seems will depend greatly on the patient. Sleeping the night after liposuction is usually not a problem, but people often wake up stiff and sore in the morning. Moving around can alleviate this discomfort quite rapidly. After a couple days, many people notice a significant decrease in the amount of bruising around the treatment area. These first few days are also when the wounds will drain the most. The incisions are often left open to promote drainage, as it arguably leads to faster swelling reduction and overall healing. Because of the drainage, it is important to change bandages frequently during these first days after liposuction. By the end of three days, most patients are back to work and able to perform non-strenuous tasks. Low-impact exercise is usually well within reach by this point.

Within Two to Four Weeks

By the end of the first month, all bruising and numbness from the liposuction procedure should have disappeared. By this point practically all patients are able to resume their normal activities including more forms of exercise and all types of work. The majority of the swelling will have dissipated by the end of the first month, especially if the incisions are left open for drainage to occur freely, though some swelling can remain for a few months longer.

Long Term

The final results of liposuction won't be visible for several months after treatment. Additionally, the skin around the treatment area will seem loose for a while. With time, it should tighten up to a much more pleasing appearance. To promote faster recovery after liposuction, patients should be sure to keep themselves well hydrated, wear their compression garments as suggested, avoiding soaking in tubs for at least a week, and generally following their surgeon's recommendations.

It is important to remember that this information is for an "average" liposuction recovery, and each patient will have slightly different experiences. However, knowing generally what happens during liposuction recovery and having realistic expectations prior to surgery will go a long way towards making you happy with your results from the time you walk out of the doctor's office.

Considering Liposuction? If so, check out: Liposuction Surgery Recovery and make an informed decision.

Brandon Walsh is an ezine articles expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.

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Find more about Before After Liposuction here;

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