Sunday, August 24, 2008

Before After Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure during which a cosmetic surgeon inserts a tube called a cannula into the area that is causing you so much trouble. A vacuum is then turned on and the fat is literally sucked out of the area. Of course the procedure is more involved but that is the basic explanation.When you've tried everything you can to get rid of fat on your abdomen, buttocks or thighs and it just doesn't budge, you might consider liposuction.

Before Liposuction
Consider your reasons for having the surgery very carefully before you have it done. Are you doing it because you feel that you are not good enough the way you are or are you doing it because this is the ONE area about which you feel uncomfortable? Having liposuction done to please someone else or because you are depressed are not good reasons to do it. Nobody else's influence should cause you to go under the knife and no surgery cures depression.

Before you go in for surgery, you will have at least one consultation with the doctor. He or she will determine whether or not you are a candidate for this type of surgery and will give you information on the procedure. Be sure to choose a doctor with an excellent reputation.

Both men and women are having this procedure done - thousands, every year. There are photos on the web that show other patients who have had liposuction. A photo is taken before surgery and after recovery. The results can be very dramatic!

After Liposuction

It will take several weeks to recover from the procedure completely. The recommendation for the first couple of weeks is that you wear a band around the area that will hold the area stable. It will help you during your recovery in a couple of different ways. You will find it is less painful when you wear the band and it will help to reduce swelling.

Listen carefully to the after liposuction procedure instructions. Following the liposuction recovery instructions is very important to ensure your scar heals properly and without infection. For example, your doctor will give you specific instructions after liposuction surgery regarding how long to wear the bandages, whether an antibiotic should be taken (and how often), and the level of activity that you can safely engage in after liposuction. Most doctors will also provide you with a list of activities you can and cannot engage in after liposuction. Further, you should be given written instructions about certain signs that may indicate an infection or other problem. Follow these instructions carefully!

When the anesthesia wears off, you may have some pain. If the pain is extreme or persists for a long period, make sure to contact your doctor. Don't try to be a martyr. Excess or unreasonable pain can be a sign of a problem -- listen to your body! You will also have some swelling after the surgery. In some cases, this swelling will remain for weeks or even months. If you have pain and swelling, this may be the sign of infection and you should contact your physician.
Don't expect liposuction to change your life. It won't do that. What it can do is improve your feelings about certain areas of your body and the way you feel in your clothing.

Before After Liposuction

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